
Woman Drops Law Career To Make Money On Instagram And To Faze Out Kim Kardashian

The Nicaraguan born lady is being reported to be the next “Kim Kardashian”, Miami based model might just be working in that direction already. With 1.7million Instagram followers, Ms Castro is sure gunning for Kim’s social media crown. That is if Kylie Jenner does not beat her to it. In a generation when social media has become a huge part of our lives and photographs on Instagram are greatly influencing lifestyles, it is no surprise that some people would see social media platforms as an industry to grow and build a career in. Dolly Castro, 31, is one of those people who has decided to not just build a career doing it for the ‘gram, she has also chosen to make a life changing decision; abandon a career many people die to have.

Being a Lawyer in these parts is a serious deal (I mean, my father couldn’t forgive me for years for picking Dramatic Arts over such a fancy career which I consider boring by the way) and so Dolly Castro would certainly be taking less seriously than anyone else were she here. But at the same time, is it worth it? According to the model makes 80 percent of her earnings on Instagram. How much that is, we do not know. But with the followership she has, might be a lot.  Kim herself began a career from reality television and as majority would say, a $ex tape. She would probably have credited the growth of that career if social media was as big as it is now. So maybe Miss Dolly stands a chance. At least, Rob Kardashian has given her his vote. The reality star reportedly follows Miss Dolly on Twitter. 

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