
Students Protest Shuts Down University of Calabar (UNICAL)

students at the school gate

UNICAL was today, hit by a Peaceful Protest from students agitating for better facilities and Amenities

Reports say that The Management of The University of Calabar failed to provide necessary amenities and carry out proper renovations of broken toilet facilities and buildings,routine check ups and are generally lackadaisical to the welfare of the students of UNICAL.....

THE students thought it wise to go out on a demonstration to show their dissatisfaction at the way things were generally done by the School Management...

The students carried placards, which read: VC, give us water and light, students cannot study without light and water, electricity and water is our right,” among others in a protest that began by 5:30am today. 

“Rats come to eat our legs when we sleep because everywhere is bushy and there is no light for more than three weeks now.
“Again, we have not had water for months now and students have to go long distances into the town to fetch water.” A student told our source.

Tree branches & broken bottles were littered all over neighboring streets of UNICAL as Students Demonstrated..Reports reaching Us also insisted that Security Personnels were no where to be found as the force of the demonstration took them by surprise..

Over 10 students that conversed with our source insisted that the VC, James Epoke was to blame for wide negligence towards the needs of the Students...

It is also worthy to note that some sections of the demonstrating students were violent and this led to drastic actions by the Management...

The School Management Passed the following to all Students of UNICAL...

"The Management of the University of Calabar has announced
a Two Week Mid Semester Break for all students of the
University with effect from today 12th October, 2015.

Students are expected to vacate the Hostels on or before
6:00pm to enable Management address the issues raised by
the students.
Normal academic activities would resume on Friday, 30th
October, 2015.

Note: No Student should be found on Campus, especially
within the Hostels after 6:00pm today 12th October 2015

Publisher: Office of the Vice Chancellor University of

Are they right to give an Instantaneous Order or were they Simply Harsh ????

Pls lay bare your opinions.. 
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